Gaz­ette calls for self-​​published news­pa­per released within the last two years
for the exhib­i­tion Gaz­etteshow at Mzin in Leipzig…

“While the daily press is selling less cop­ies each day, the medium of news­pa­pers
and their spe­cific method of print­ing is com­ing back in a cur­rent renais­sance
of all forms of self-​​published artistic pub­lic­a­tions. From illus­tra­tion to
pho­to­graphy it is in use again, often in a very small run.

The idea of ‘Gaz­ette’ is to bring some of the most inter­est­ing examples together
in an exhib­i­tion in late Octo­ber 2012 includ­ing lec­tures and artist present­a­tions.”

— Gaz­ette

If you want to par­ti­cip­ate and self-​​published a news­pa­per just send a copy to:

Gaz­ette Box
Joseph­straße 51
04177 Leipzig

Dead­line: Septem­ber 30th, 2012

The exhib­i­tion takes place at mzin Leipzig from
Octo­ber 25th to Novem­ber 10th 2012 (Pre­view on Octo­ber 25th).

The exhib­i­tion is cur­ated by Laeti­tia Gorsy and mzin Leipzig.


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